The Bridesmaids
Jennifer and I met when our boys were in the 3rd grade and started playing soccer together. I thought she was quiet at first because she was always reading during soccer practice but I later learned she was in nursing school and was studying all the time. We have braved the soccer parent life together for many years now and became great friends. Jennifer is full of life and can always make me laugh. I'm certain that there are way more photos of me with her than anyone else I know because she never misses a photo op. She is also the only person I know that has perfected her pose for pictures. I'm certain that if I ever need to burn a house down because of a spider she will be there to support my decision.
I met Cori in the 5th grade at Millersville Elementary. She had transferred from a private school and we were a little unsure of one another at first but once we got to know each other we were inseparable. She succeeds at everything she sets her mind to. Growing up I was always amazed by her free spirit. She loves everything and everyone good in this world and will stand up for what she believes in. She has been there for me since we were kids and even if we disagreed on something she never gave up on me. Cori is a wonderful mother, a strong independent woman and my best friend. Oh, the stories we could tell...but we won't.
Angie and I met at work back in 2001. We became friends playing on the corporate softball team. She pulls people in with her humor. When she and Taylor are together they seem to lose all common sense and that's gotten her in trouble a time or two. We have laughed until we cried and lost all ability to act like adults. We have cut up for so many years that we have our own sounds and code words to tip the other off on inside jokes. She is one of those people that you could literally ask her for anything and she would do her best to make it happen.
We met at Aquinas College in our first semester of nursing school. We had a lot in common and no one outside of nursing school understood how overwhelming it was unless they had already experienced it. I don't know how we would have made it through had we not become study partners and friends. She has a very kind and giving heart. She now works for an alternative medicine physician in Hendersonville.
Madeline is my oldest niece. When she was younger she asked if she could be in my wedding if I ever got married. I told her yes even though I had no idea when or if it would ever happen. Several years later, I'm keeping my word. Madeline is a very good student and an excellent soccer player. I couldn't be more proud of her.
Taylor was starting kindergarten and Jennie worked at his after school program. Our boys were friends and we became friends also. We were basketball and soccer moms together and we also spent a little while in cub scouts together. Although after enduring the first camping trip as single moms we admitted that roughing it wasn't for us and we decided to just stick with soccer. She is a Medical Assistant at TOA so we are also coworkers.
I met Tammy several years ago when she started working at TOA. She was fresh out of Medical Assisting school and was placed with me to learn the ropes. We became great friends quickly. She was a little quiet and reserved in the beginning but the joke at work has always been that I corrupted her because it didn't take long for her to become as outspoken and silly as me. She recently took a position at Heritage Medical and has a much shorter commute but we sure do miss her around the office.